Acne boot camp

“Acne comes with all ages”

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In Depth Skin offers an affordable acne program that has over a 90% success rate without the use of prescription drugs. It is designed to have your acne under control in approximately 10-12 weeks with bi-weekly treatments and professional grade home-care products.

Acne Boot Camp First Time Client Consultation

$100 | 50 minutes

During this extensive consultation we will discuss what acne is and how to help you achieve clear skin. We will go over life style changes, home care, diet, and your daily activities. I will determined what type of acne you have and the best course of treatment. This appointment will include a thorough consultation, facial cleanse and product patch test for home care and sensitivity levels.

*This appointment does NOT include extractions or a facial treatment.

  • You will be asked to complete a comprehensive intake form

  • You will receive an in depth skin analysis to determine best course of treatment

  • You will be provided an acne packet filled with useful information regarding factors that contribute to acne including diet, life style, and current products used.

  • You will have preliminary pictures taken for our records (this is to follow progress)

  • You will receive a facial cleanse and a patch test for product sensitivity.

  • This appointment is necessary to start your homecare before your first initial treatment to prep your skin.

*Home care is essential to our acne program and the success of your treatment plan. Be expected to spend an additional $225-$275 on products at your consultation. (These products will last you around 3-4 months)

*Important… you MUST be off Accutane for 6 months before starting program.

Acne Boot Camp Treatment

$100 | 50 minutes

Each acne treatment may vary based on what your skin needs at the time of service. There will be times where your skin needs more hydration and other times it will need more anti-inflammatory and/or anti-bacterial action. Treatments are performed every two weeks until your skin clears. Typically this takes around 10-12 weeks depending on severity.

*NEW clients MUST schedule Acne Consultation for first treatment.

Treatment includes:

  • Exfoliating the skin to allow for better product absorption and remove skin cell build up (Main cause of acne)

  • Kill bacteria inside to pores

  • Extract existing lesions

  • Monitor your progress and make any necessary changes as needed

  • Hydrate and calm the skin

  • Continuous coaching support

  • LED Light Therapy!

    It’s a non-UV light therapy used to promote healing, reduce redness, and repair/prevent cellular damage. Blue LED effectively and safely destroys acne causing bacteria, helping to prevent the formation of new acne lesions. GREAT for acne clients.




Q: Can I continue taking my acne prescription medication while on this program?
A: No! This program is designed to exfoliate the skin and taking/using other acne medications can cause over stimulation and irritation.

Q: Are there different types of acne?
A: Yes! There is inflamed acne and non-inflamed acne. You could even have an acne impostor which are not acne at all. This is why it is so important to schedule a consultation.

Q: Should I take an Antibiotic for my acne?
A: Although antibiotics kill bacteria, bacteria isn’t the cause of acne and will only help temporarily but not long term.


You must be off Accutane for at least 60 days and/or any topical prescription medications for at least three weeks before you can begin the program. These drugs can cause hypersensitivity and aggravate the skin.


It’s important to follow your treatment plan and home care as advised by your acne specialist. Commitment is key in order to achieve results and you must be willing to make that commitment for at least 3 months.

Once we have cleared your acne, you will need to go on a maintenance program of every 4-6 weeks and continue with your home care as prescribed.